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Download and review the latest ALCDEF standards PDF.

2024 March 4
The site and standard have been updated to distinguish between Pan-STARRS and Sloan ugriz filters and magbands. "Px" stands for Pan-STARRS wile "Sx" stands for Sloan. Magnitudes based on the ATLAS star catalog (Tonry et al., 2008) are Px

The EPOCH keyword has been deprecated and replaced by EQUINOX. Existing programs that generate EPOCH will still work as will upload files using EPOCH. If using a custom program to read/write ALCDEF files, it should be updated to use EQUINOX.

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Last update: 2024-10-21 20:22:21

Object Search

Required "Opt-in" and File Upload

You must give express permission before your data can be stored and distributed. Without this permission, your data will not be accepted by the ALCDEF site. You must also choose whether or not your data will be automatically made part of a periodic release from the NASA Planetary Data System.

For more information, see the Data and Privacy Policy statement and the ALCDEF documentation.

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ALCDEFVerify is a web-based tool that runs the same verification checks used when uploading files to the ALCDEF database. It was developed for those writing third-party programs or scripts to debug and validate their data prior to uploading the files to the ALCDEF database.

Up to three files can be processed during each run.
It is strongly recommended that each file be < 1 MB.

Defined Constant Keywords
(see section 3 of ALCDEF standards documentation)


S-ALCDEF is for those who have basic text data files, e.g., JD, magnitude[, magerror]. Usually with a minimal amount of editing, these files can be uploaded to the ALCDEF database without creating the more detailed and rigorous standard ALCDEF files.

See the ALCDEF documentation for details
Click here to go to the S-ALCDEF upload page

N.B. If using Gaia G magnitudes, you must set MAGBAND=GG (Gaia G). The single-letter 'G' can be confused with the Sloan g magband. There is no 'G' filter, so use FILTER=X, where X is one of the accepted filters.

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Created: 2023 September 27 @ 22:02:13
Size: 128,019 KB

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